About us

About KG Lobby Center

KG Lobby Center (KGLC) is non-partisan international human rights advocacy organization based in the Netherlands. KGLC advocates governments, the UN, EU, among others, to recognize the Kurdish genocide. We engage the international legal process to bring the perpetrators of this genocide to justice for the Kurdish people. We also aims to obtain reparations for the survivors and their family members. It seeks to uncover mass graves from the Kurdish genocide to bring the bodies home to Kurdistan.  It will strive to educate everyone on the Kurdish genocide, so that people know and then cannot deny.

How we work

We through a variety of strategies and activities aimed at achieving our mission of getting global recognition for Kurdish Genocide. Advocating for acknowledgment, remembrance, and justice for the genocidal atrocities committed against the Kurdish people. Here’s how the center might operate:

  1. Advocacy and Lobbying: We engage in advocacy and lobbying efforts to garner support for the recognition of Kurdish genocide by governments, international organizations, and policymakers. This involves meeting with elected officials, drafting policy recommendations, and mobilizing public support through petitions, campaigns, and grassroots activism.
  2. Research and Documentation: We conduct extensive research and documentation efforts to gather evidence of genocidal acts against the Kurdish people. This includes collecting historical records, testimonies from survivors and witnesses, and academic studies to build a comprehensive understanding of Kurdish genocide.
  3. Awareness and Education: We raise awareness about Kurdish genocide through public events, and media outreach. This includes attending and organizing seminars, conferences, and workshops to disseminate information about the historical reality of Kurdish genocide and its impact on Kurdish communities.
  4. Legal Advocacy: We pursue legal avenues to seek justice for victims and survivors of Kurdish genocide. This c involves supporting legal cases, filing complaints with international courts or tribunals, and advocating for the prosecution of perpetrators under national or international law.
  5. International Networking: We collaborate with other advocacy groups, human rights organizations, and affected communities to build international solidarity and support for the Kurdish genocide cause. This includes forming alliances, participating in coalitions, and coordinating joint advocacy efforts to amplify their collective voice.
  6. Commemoration and Remembrance: We organizes commemorative events and initiatives to honor the memory of victims of Kurdish genocide. This includes memorial ceremonies, exhibitions, and cultural activities aimed at preserving the historical memory of Kurdish genocide and ensuring that future generations remember the atrocities committed against the Kurdish people.
  7. Capacity Building: We work to strengthen the capacity of Kurdish communities to advocate for their rights and seek justice for genocide. This includes providing training, resources, and organizational support to empower community leaders, activists, and advocates to effectively engage in advocacy efforts.

Overall, the KG Lobby Center operates through a multi-faceted approach that combines research, advocacy, education, networking, and support initiatives to advance its mission of seeking recognition, acknowledgment, remembrance, and justice for Kurdish genocide.